Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Shakedown Case - 790 Words
CASE STUDY: SHAKEDOWN Statement of the Problem: What should Zhuk do to keep his business and to avoid extortion from government officials? Objectives: To provide solutions on how companies in Ukraine can fight corruption and face threats of extortion. To apply business ethics and corporate social responsibility Alternative Courses of Action: a) Pay – Extortion Zhuk can pay off the Ukraine Tax Authority officials. After all, he would not be breaking the law if he did so. He will be a victim of extortion and succumbing to it is not a crime. He will consider the bribes as additional tax he has to pay for doing business in Ukraine and carry on with his company. He will be able to provide jobs for locals as his employees and keep†¦show more content†¦Suggested Initiatives: 1) Improve regulation and inspection procedures. In order to increase confidence in the government’s regulatory role in the economy, efforts should be made to: simplify government regulations and inspections; systematize and unify the work of inspection agencies and the procedures for conducting inspections; publicize clear and understandable information on inspections and the rights and duties of inspection agencies, and make taxation bodies liable for unfounded verifications, or establish an agency that registers inspections and limits the number of inspections. Many businessmen believe this would discourage frequent inspections. 2) Unified business tax In order to keep businesses out of the shadow economy, urgent measures are needed to reduce the taxation pressure and replace at least a portion of multiple taxes with a unified business tax. The high cost of doing business in Ukraine also relates to the key objective of inspection agencies which is to extract the maximum amount of money from a company. In order to cope with this problem, tax compliance should be simplified, and control by inspection agencies should be made transparent. 3) Improve enforcement of â€Å"conflict of interest†legislation. Legislation that disallows conflicts of interest is already in place. These laws prohibit officialsShow MoreRelatedSoros Predicts China s Financial Bubble Bust837 Words  | 4 Pagesnew weak link as liquidity seems to be drying up. Over 40 companies reportedly canceled their scheduled issuance since March. This came as a surprise to many, provided that the year managed to begin with record-breaking domestic issuance. In any case, the most evident sign of financial stress could be observed in the currency market of China. The most recent financial decisions triggered substantial outflows of capital. 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According to the United States Department of TransportationRead MoreCorruption Within The New York Police Department2504 Words  | 11 Pagesbad habits or fraud, where the officers would accept payments in return for letting the criminal go (Grennan, 2001). Between the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s, narcotic corruption developed as officers realized that drug shakedowns made much higher profits than regular shakedowns or fraud (Grennan, 2001). In the mid-1980s, the cocaine and crack trade exploded and created a greater number of opportunities for drug dealers and officers to benefit from one another. Twenty years before this, there wasRead MoreA Woman Doing Life : Notes From A Prison For Women1320 Words  | 6 PagesI thought I knew about the life of women in jails or prisons. Erin George , the main character , gives readers an ethnographic insight on the struggles women face in prison. 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Timothy McVeigh, probably unknowingly, helpedRead MoreDo the Media Encourage Terrorism Essay878 Words  | 4 Pagesthe freedom of press that the United States enjoys is that everyone has a voice. The press has been used sometimes in the past to try and deter governmental action against the criminal or as an avenue to spread the terrorists message. This was the case after the September 11th events when the American people were forced to watch Osama bin Laden talk about his views on Americans, and gloat over his victory while firemen were still trying to dig up American remains. The majority of Americans wereRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects On The United States898 Words  | 4 Pages Brutality, corruption, and misconduct in police, or people in high ranking organizations, can be backtracked all the way to early times. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
My Grub Box Free Essays
When Vivian Johnson decided to pursue a college education, it was not because her parents didn’t attend college, it was because she wanted to be in a position of control. She knew that college was her ticket to getting the qualifications needed for the career she envisioned. In â€Å"My Grub Box,†Vivian Johnson recalls her college experience moving from Emmonak, Alaska to the East Coast Ivy League School Dartmouth. We will write a custom essay sample on My Grub Box or any similar topic only for you Order Now Taken completely out of her native environment of the Yup’ik Eskimos, she details a certain adaptation to gain understanding of her perspective. Vivian Johnson’s â€Å"grub box†created a signpost for her way of life through the realization that culture is inseparable from being native. The main aspect that set Vivian Johnson apart from other students at Dartmouth is her experiences as a member of a native Eskimo family. Johnson begins her memoir with a description of the function of a grub box and what it has meant for members of her family. On hunting and camping trips she would use her grub box to pack food and supplies to survive, but her grub box that helped her through college contained much more than physical items. She used intangible things that were passed on from her parents, like a sense of identity and how to survive in different surroundings. (Johnson, 201) Another reason that Johnson didn’t fit into the â€Å"normal†student population at Dartmouth, was the fact that she didn’t come from a socially advantaged family compared to many of the other students. She could not relate to many of the other students experiences simply because her family didn’t take exotic trips or have fancy clothing, jewels, and cars. Not only was Johnson different from other students because of her possessions and experiences, but she also had a different perspective and was used to a different way of thinking. She found it difficult to understand her government professor because she had not been exposed to that way of thinking before. Also, she at first had trouble discussing certain topics with her classmates such as the â€Å"concepts of land, substinence hunting, and fishing. †Eventually, she had began to anticipate questions about why she didn’t fit in so she formulated answers to better describe her way of life. Johnson, 207) Upon her arrival at Dartmouth, Vivian Johnson realized that she was completely out of her environment. Her grub box helped her transition allowing her to adapt to college life and enabled her to slowly orient herself on her new landscape. She was outside her environment both physically and intellectually. Everything was foreign to her, from the smell and type of trees, w ildlife on campus, and formation of the stars, to riding in a taxi for the first time, Vivian needed to adapt to her surroundings in order to survive. The food she received from her grandpa helped her physically because she wasn’t used to the type of food served at Dartmouth, but the intangible qualities served a greater purpose. Those qualities formed a type of support system for Vivian that connected her to her roots as a way to remind her of her culture and heritage in order to combat the overwhelming pressures she faced in this cultural submersion. While Johnson described many of the hardships she had during her time at Dartmouth, she did manage to find a place where she was accepted for who she was and where she came from. When she joined Native American at Dartmouth, Vivian was helped not only academically, but also with small tasks that made her life easier, such as mail, food, and housing. She became part of a social network that appreciated her and considered her to be one in their group, even though she wasn’t Native American. By finding similarities between herself and the other members of Native Americans at Dartmouth, Johnson was able to connect with them because they had similar life experiences. She valued this support group of friends so much, that she credits them for her graduation from Dartmouth. (Johnson, 209) Upon graduation from Dartmouth, Johnson describes her exit â€Å"just as perplexing as her entrance. †(Johnson, 209) Adaptation plays a huge role in Johnson’s survival attending college with different cultures. In the end, Vivian Johnson’s experiences she gained at Dartmouth from adapting further adds to her â€Å"grub box†enabling her to branch out to individuals in her adult life. The adaptation in Vivian Johnson’s memoir made it easy for me to relate to her story of going away to college. When I arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Madison there was a sudden sense of culture shock. Also, being on our own when your parents were the ones to feed you, take you places, and lend you money when needed, definitely leaves you to fend for yourself. Adapting to my new environment was no fun but is definitely an experience of having to adapt in order to accomplish new goals and â€Å"fit in. †I realized that everyone has a different set of tools in their â€Å"grub box†from adapting to new experiences and when exchanged, form a more global perspective of race in the Unites States. Therefore, Vivian Johnson’s adaptation to reality serves as a launching pad for individuals to engage in difficult conversations about race. How to cite My Grub Box, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Canadas Immigration From 1852
Canadas Immigration From 1852-1990 Essay Canadas Immigration From 1852-1990Canadas Immigration From 1852-1990 In 1852 many of Canadas immigrants were from Europe countries but many of these were being lost to the United states. This meant that the province of Canada was mostly French Canadians, this began the immigration promotion program in 1850s. In the 1840s the main problem was lack of control over the immigrants now the problem was getting immigrant particularly British ones to start small farms. Over the next 30 years John A. MacDonald did little to attract new immigrants to Canada. In about 1879 a new immigration law was passed that was designed to keep out paupers and destitutes. This would be the start to weed out the people that would live in Canada, and eventually become the laws we have today. In 1885 an act was passed that would restrict Chinese males from immigrating. This was done because of the large amount of young Chinese men that were coming to Canada to work building the CRP ( an estimated 15,701). Without these men most of whom lost their lives from injury or disease. During the 1890s a depression because of the very short growing season and very high cost of shipping the grains. This lack of rain caused many Canadians to immigrate to the U.S. for a better life. Not very attractive to immigrants to Canada. Around the beginning of the 1900s the economy was boosted by the increasing need for Canadian food products. Europe had a large population explosion and tax increase caused more and more to move to Canada. With the construction of the CPR it was much easier to go west and settle the land which was cheap or free. The Canadian government was promoting its self every where with its fur and grains to encourage new comers and settlers that moved to the U.S. back to Canada. With the out break of World War I tension was high. This was the lowest amount of people in years (although the amount of Americans was increasing with year of the war). Once desired immigrants were now enemy aliens. Also people from Germany, Hungry, Poland, Romania, and many others become the objects of hostility. After the war there was a huge boom in immigrants because of Canadas growing economy. But after all booms there is always the come down by 1930 Canada was in a bad depression people were also tense because word of another war. During World War II no Canadians had it worse than the Japanese Canadians. After the booming of Pearl Harbour all Japanese-Canadians were stripped of their homes and property. The Canadian government showed great sympathy for European refugees and homeless. The government donated allot of money to agencies involved in post war rehabilitation and the United Nations Childrens Emergency Fund. There was a also a change in the immigration barriers to allow war refugees into Canada. A pro-immigration lobby from the people of Canada lowered the restrictions more even though the government was against this. Without warning in 1959 the government made the laws much more strict to immigrants families coming into the country thus making residents of Canada unable to sponsor family members. The point system was introduced. This new type of system eliminated discrimination of race or nationality. It also reduced the amount of sponsorship immigrating. Robert Adras became a cabinet minister. He rapidly changed the rules of immigration. His new form of ruling lowered the immigration rates through out the 1970s. The 1980s Gave way to another increase in immigrants dew to many refugees, manly indochinese. .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .postImageUrl , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:hover , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:visited , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:active { border:0!important; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:active , .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987 .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc5a1893de31dc031c90742bb01587987:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Age Of Reason Essay Canadas current laws are fair and reasonable. Canada could not have been made if not for brave immigrants. History
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Landlady free essay sample
The Landlady had a round pink face and gentle blue eyes, one of the reasons that attracted Billy to stay and the Bed and Breakfast. The Landlady’s smile made Billy feel more at home and more welcome, however her behaviour was slightly strange. â€Å"She was about forty-five or fifty years old, and the moment she saw him, she gave him a warm welcoming smile†¦She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes†¦But this dame was like a jack-in-the-box. He pressed the bell and out she popped! The old girl is slightly dotty, Billy told himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This shows that a person should always trust their instincts and should not trust in anyone if there is even a shadow of doubt. The Landlady seems like a very nice and compassionate lady, however, she acts slightly strange. Her caring behaviour towards Billy builds his trust in her and her appearance also contributes to Billy believing and trusting in her further. We will write a custom essay sample on The Landlady or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Landlady’s embracing personality and demeanour convinces Billy to stay at the Bed and Breakfast. Billy notices her strange and queer behaviour but he dismisses it after considering the cost of staying at the Bed and Breakfast. The Landlady also emphasises certain words that cause us to suspect her. â€Å"†¦she gave him a warm welcoming smile†¦ ‘My dear boy,’ she said, ‘why don’t you come in out of the cold? †¦She seemed terribly nice. She looked exactly like the mother of one’s best friend welcoming one into the house to stay for the Christmas holidays†¦ The old girl is slightly dotty, Billy told himself. But at five and sixpence a night, who gives a damn about that? †¦ ‘We have it all to ourselves’ †¦ ‘†¦and we don’t want to go breaking any laws at this stage in the proceedings, do we? †This shows that a person should always be alert and aware of his/her surroundings. Towards the end of the story, we discover that the Landlady is not as nice as she seems, but is actually a very cruel and harsh lady. The Landlady carries out acts of extreme cruelty by killing her pets and guests with bitter almonds (that contain cyanide) that is mixed in the tea. She then stuffs them, so they appear lifelike and keeps their bodies. This behaviour contradicts her personality completely as she is not the trustworthy and caring lady that was described earlier in the book. It also creates a sense of trepidation as she admits her previous two guests hadn’t left and were, in fact, living on the third floor. â€Å"I stuff all my little pets myself when they pass away†¦The tea tasted faintly of bitter almonds, and he didn’t care much for it†¦ ‘But my dear boy, he never left. He’s still here. Mr Temple is also here. They’re on the third floor, both of them together. †This shows that a person should not be judged by their appearance, and also that we shouldn’t trust a person instantly, from their first meeting. To conclude, the Landlady is an owner of a Bed and Breakfast who seems like a very considerate and caring woman, from the way she greets and takes care of Billy. However, her brutal and barbarous side is shown towards the end when she poisons Billy and suggests he will be stuffed as well. Bibliography; The Landlady by Roald Dahl
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom American Industrialization essay
buy custom American Industrialization essay During the period between 1865 and 1900, United States emerged as the global industrial power house. This period followed the end of Civil War, and a combination of factors spurred rapid growth of commerce and industries. These factors included the adequate land and cheap labor; availability of navigable rivers, coastal water ways and canals; ample presence of natural resources; and the government contribution towards the nations vision of rapid industrialization (David 10). The immediate goal of the government was to improve the nations economy, so as to uplift the living standards of the citizens as quickly as possible. To facilitate such growth, the authorities embarked on a plan of developing efficient infrastructure to enable reliability in movement of goods and services. Additionally, they avoided the implementation of rigid regulations to avoid dispiriting entrepreneurs. Due to high demand for housing and the governments policy of keeping tax rates as low as possible, the citizens easily found employment. This raised their income as well as their living standards, a situation which led to increase in the demand for commodities such as better clothing and healthier diet. This stimulated the proliferation of industries which in effect created more jobs and broadened the governments tax base (David 8). The importance of government contribution in infrastructure development facilitated organization and coordination amongst firms making them to evolve into a unified economy. As the nation dominance in the industrial sector became unrivalled, its global influence increased, and by the beginning of the 20th, the United States was apparently was the world economic and military superpower. These great achievements were realized following governments provision of an investment base that was beyond comparison. Moreover, liberalism in America appealed to many in dustrious individuals and groups who faced persecution at home, for example, the Germans, who had been resettled by the queen in the colonies following frequent invasions into their home country. Most of these immigrants were industrious, and their prominent attributes helped further the industrial growth. For quite a long time, however, only a few citizens have been privileged to possess real economic and political power in America (Richard 3). In fact, statistics have indicated that while 1% of the richest Americans own about 40% of the nations wealth, 40% of the poorest controls less that 1% of the economy. Nevertheless, better policies are being formulated to correct this discrepancy to enable everyone have an equitable share of the national wealth. In the formative years of the industrial revolution, the government laid the basis for a strong economy by investing considerably in science and technology. In addition, distinct political institutions, cultural identity, educational system, and social structure entrenched the values of self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship. These efforts ensured sustainability of the economy, despite facing challenges such as the Great Depression (Richard 5). Investment in these fields continues, and currently, America is a global player in computing and biotechnology. Buy custom American Industrialization essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Why Race Matters in the Amanda Knox Case
Why Race Matters in the Amanda Knox Case Given the popularity true crime series covering O.J. Simpson, JonBenà ©t Ramsey, and Steven Avery have recently enjoyed, it’s no surprise that Netflix released the documentary â€Å"Amanda Knox†on Sept. 30 to enormous fanfare. The program stands out from others on Knox- the U.S. exchange student in Italy accused of killing her British roommate in 2007- in that it is largely told from her perspective. Teasers for the film show Knox sans makeup with a severely cut bob. Her features are now angular, the round cheeks that led the European press to call her â€Å"angel face†gone. â€Å"Either Im a psychopath in sheeps clothing or I am you,†she says sternly. But the documentary only pretends to be interested in pinpointing the real Knox. The omission of information that reflects badly on her makes that clear throughout. Whether she’s guilty or innocent was never the most compelling aspect of her case, anyway- the culture clash, the false accusation of a black man for the crime, the slut-shaming and the idea that U.S. courts are somehow superior to Italian courts- are what drew in people from across the globe. Nearly a decade after Meredith Kercher’s murder, my questions about the case are unchanged. Would the press have given Knox as much attention if she’d been a student of color accused of killing her roommate abroad? Would Kercher, born to an English father and an Indian mother, have garnered more press had she been a blonde like Natalee Holloway? People of color make up a disproportionate amount of crime victims and those falsely convicted of crimes, but they do not generally become celebrities like Knox and other whites, such as Avery, Ryan Ferguson and the West Memphis Three have. The Central Park Five, the group of black and Latino teens wrongly convicted of attacking a white woman jogging in 1989, are the exception to the rule. Their conviction was the subject of a 2012 Ken Burns documentary. But from the outset, the public widely believed they were guilty. Donald Trump even referred to them as â€Å"animals†and took out a newspaper ad calling for their executions. When the real attacker confessed, Trump refused to apologize for his previous comments. In contrast, when he heard about Knox’s murder case, he offered to help her, demonstrating how an accused person’s race and gender affect public perception of her guilt or innocence. Reflecting on the Knox case in the age of Black Lives Matter makes it rather comical that Americans argued that the U.S. legal system was more just than the Italian counterpart. Only a few days after Knox’s 2009 conviction for killing Kercher, I wrote about my concerns with media coverage of the case for the now-defunct Racialicious blog. The conviction was later overturned, but my observations about Knox’s defenders remain relevant today as the Netflix documentary shines a spotlight on her case once more. Here’s what I had to say:                                     * * * I first heard the name Amanda Knox nearly a year ago. As someone who, like Knox, traveled to Europe to study abroad, even visiting Italy during my time there, I sympathized with the young Seattle woman charged with killing her roommate while an exchange student in Perugia, Italy. Numerous articles portray the University of Washington student as an innocent wrongly targeted by a corrupt Italian prosecutor and victimized by Italians who were misogynistic and anti-American. Despite my sympathy for Knox- found guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher by an Italian jury Dec. 4- I take issue with the articles written in her defense. They reveal that America’s ideas about white womanhood have changed little since the 19th century, the whiteness of Italians remains tenuous and black men continue to make convenient crime scapegoats. I’ve no idea if Amanda Knox is innocent or guilty of the charges leveled at her- a jury’s already deemed her the latter- but some American journalists decided that she was innocent long before a verdict was reached. What’s disturbing about some of these journalists is that Knox’s race, gender, and class background played central roles in why they considered her innocent. Moreover, in defending Knox, their xenophobic and arguably â€Å"racist†feelings about Italy came to light. New York Times columnist Timothy Egan is a case in point. He wrote about Knox for the Times both in June and just before the jury issued its verdict in the case. â€Å"All trials are about narrative,†Egan remarked in the summer. â€Å"In Seattle, where I live, I see a familiar kind of Northwestern girl in Amanda Knox, and all the stretching, the funny faces, the neo-hippie touches are benign. In Italy, they see a devil, someone without remorse, inappropriate in her reactions.†What makes these â€Å"touches†benign- simply the fact that, to Egan, Knox was â€Å"a familiar kind of Northwestern girl?† While waiting to be interrogated, Knox reportedly did cartwheels. Egan chalks this up to Knox being an athlete. But if Donovan McNabb or LeBron James were being investigated for murder and did cartwheels during an interrogation, would their behavior be taken as that of a benign athlete or make them look unfeeling and flippant? Egan attempts to undermine Italy by making it appear as if sinister Italians were angling to punish this girl who not only reminds him of numerous girls from the Pacific Northwest but also of his own daughter. Yet, non-Italian friends of British murder victim Meredith Kercher considered Knox’s behavior to be strange as well, counteracting Egan’s attempts to discredit Italian sensibilities. â€Å"While I was [at the police station] I found Amanda’s behavior very strange. She had no emotion while everyone else was upset,†Kercher’s friend Robyn Butterworth testified in court. And when another friend reportedly remarked that she hoped Kercher hadn’t suffered much, Butterworth recalled Knox replying, â€Å"What do you think? She f___ing bled to death.†At that point, Butterworth said, the way Kercher died hadn’t been released. Amy Frost, another friend of Kercher, testified about Knox and Knox’s boyfriend at the time, Raffaele Sollecito. â€Å"Their behavior at the police station seemed, to me, really inappropriate,†Frost said. â€Å"They sat opposite each other, Amanda put her feet up on Raffaele’s legs and made faces at him. Everyone cried except Amanda and Raffaele. I never saw them crying. They were kissing each other.†Egan could have written a defense of Knox that focused on the fact that there was virtually no physical evidence of her having been at the crime scene and what little there was came under dispute because it was collected more than a month after the murder and, thus, thought to be contaminated. Instead, he chose to characterize Italy as a nation of backward, inane people. â€Å"As this week’s closing arguments showed once again, the case has very little to do with actual evidence and much to do with the ancient Italian code of saving face,†Egan wrote on Dec. 2. Just as Egan chose not to explain why Knox’s odd antics during her interrogation were benign, he doesn’t explain why â€Å"saving face†is an â€Å"ancient Italian code.†It’s seemingly so just because he declares it to be. In the same editorial, he discusses the Italian jury much in the same way whites have traditionally discussed people of color, such as Haitian practitioners of Vodou, Puerto Rican practitioners of Santeria, Native American medicine men or African â€Å"witch doctors.†â€Å"Their verdict is not supposed to be about medieval superstitions, sexual projections, Satan fantasies or the honor of a prosecution team,†Egan writes. Egan implies Italy’s legal system is filled with people who can’t be trusted to make rational decisions, a matter of crucial importance when the future of a young American white woman is at stake. How horrible that Amanda Knox’s fate is in the hands of these crazy Italians? These people still believe in superstitions and Satan, for heaven’s sake! The way Egan and Knox’s own relatives described Italians reminded me that Americans haven’t always regarded Italians as white. This makes undermining the rationality and trustworthiness of the Italian people and court system go largely unquestioned. In a book called Are Italians White?, Louise DeSalvo writes about discrimination Italian immigrants to America faced. â€Å"I learned†¦that Italian-Americans were lynched in the South; that they were incarcerated during World War II. †¦I later learned that Italian men who worked on the railroad earned less money for their work than ‘whites’; that they slept in filthy, vermin-infested boxcars; that they were denied water, though they were given wine to drink (for it made them tractable)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Some of the comments about Italians in the Knox case certainly seem like throwbacks to a time when Italians weren’t viewed as white. I have a hard time imagining that if Knox had been tried in England, consistent efforts would be made to discredit the British judicial system. To make matters worse, while American xenophobia is being aimed at Italy, American supporters of Knox are painting Italy as anti-American. Former prosecutor John Q. Kelly even used racialized language when discussing Knox’s plight, likening treatment of her to â€Å"a public lynching.†Isn’t this how racism works today? People who exhibit clearly racist attitudes and behaviors accuse President Obama of being anti-white or blame Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for perpetuating racism rather than historic, institutionalized white supremacy. After Knox was found guilty of murder, U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell stated, â€Å"I have serious questions about the Italian justice system and whether anti-Americanism tainted this trial.†This argument of anti-Americanism falls apart considering that Italian national Raffaele Sollecito was also found guilty of murder. Are we to believe that an Italian jury would sacrifice one of its own to spite America? The problematic racial overtones in the reporting of the case not only involve Italians but black men. Following her November 2007 arrest, Knox wrote to police that bar owner Patrick Lumumba killed Kercher. â€Å"In these flashbacks that I’m having, I see Patrik [sic] as the murderer, but the way the truth feels in my mind, there is no way for me to have known because I don’t remember FOR SURE if I was at my house that night.†Because of Knox’s repeated insinuations that Lumumba murdered Kercher, he spent two weeks in jail. Police ended up releasing him because he had a solid alibi. Lumumba sued Knox for defamation and won. While Egan has mentioned that Knox mistakenly linked Lumumba to Kercher’s murder, he quickly let her off the hook for it, as did a commenter at women’s Web site Jezebel who remarked: â€Å"I don’t judge her for that at all. She was held in an Italian prison, questioned for days, and encouraged to ‘confess.’†But to ignore Knox’s transgression on this front is to ignore the history of sympathetic (but guilty) white Americans fingering black men for crimes the men never committed. In 1989, for instance, Charles Stuart shot and killed his pregnant wife, Carol, but told police that a black man was responsible. Two years later, Susan Smith murdered her young sons but told police initially that a black man had carjacked her and kidnapped the boys. Although Knox said that she fingered Lumumba for the crime under duress, her doing so casts suspicion on her and shouldn’t be overlooked by those who find it hard to believe that a pretty American coed is capable of murder. Another black man, Rudy Guede from the Ivory Coast, was convicted of killing Kercher before Knox and Sollecito were, but evidence suggested that more than one assailant was involved in Kercher’s demise. If authorities believe that Guede didn’t act alone, why is it difficult to believe that Knox also played a role in Kercher’s murder? After all, Knox gave inconsistent statements about her whereabouts the evening of Kercher’s death and did not call police after reportedly finding the door to her home wide open and blood on the floor. To boot, her lover, Sollecito, bought two bottles of bleach the morning after Kercher’s death allegedly to clean up the crime scene, where police found his bloody footprints as well as Knoxâ €™s. These facts hardly reflect well on Knox, so I’m willing to consider her guilt as well as her innocence. Perhaps her use of hashish the night of Kercher’s death clouded her memory. But those who refuse to consider that Knox is guilty, all the while attacking the Italian justice system, remind me of those who struggled to believe that Lizzie Borden hacked her parents to death in 1892. â€Å"The horrific ax murders of Andrew Borden and his third wife, Abby, would have been shocking in any age, but in the early 1890s they were unthinkable,†writes Denise M. Clark in Crime Magazine. â€Å"Equally unthinkable was who wielded the ax that butchered them†¦The idea that the murderer could possibly be†¦Lizzie took days to register with the police – despite overwhelming physical and circumstantial evidence that pointed only at her†¦.What would end up saving her was the remarkable violence of the murders: The murders were simply too grisly to have been committed by a woman of her upbringing.†Isn’t this the argument that Egan makes when he described Knox as a benign hippie type from the Pacific Northwest? Knox, we’re told, worked multiple jobs to save up money to study abroad. She excelled in athletics and academics alike. Girls like her don’t commit murder, many Americans believe. And if she were tried stateside, perhaps she would have gotten off as Lizzie Borden did. But apparently, Italians aren’t burdened by the cultural baggage that weighs down America. White and female and from a good family don’t equal innocent.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Evidence Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Evidence Based Practice - Essay Example Part One Brief Background Diabetes mellitus is a health condition wherein the â€Å"amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high†(Diabetes UK, 2010, p. 3). When left untreated, diabetes is considered as a serious illness because it can trigger heart-related problems, stroke, kidney failure and/or blindness. Aside from the 500,000 undiagnosed individuals who are suspected to have diabetes, approximately 2.6 million people in UK were already diagnosed with diabetes back in 2009 (Diabetes UK, 2010, p. 4). This figure can double up to 4 million by 2025 (p. 4). Part of the duty and responsibility of the nurses is to deliver self-management education to diabetes patients (Chan and Zang, 2007). For this reason, nurses should know by heart the differences between the juvenile diabetes (type I) and the adult-onset diabetes (type II) on top of the diagnostic tests, importance of weight management, and other related healthcare management and treatment for this particular health disorder. Rationale for the Selection of this Topic Area As a diabetic educator and diabetes nurse, I used to work with diabetic patients. Since I work part time as a member of continuing nursing education in my region, I decided to conduct a systematic research study with regards to the nurses’ actual knowledge on diabetes mellitus. Search Process... According to Randolph (2009), the principle of inclusion and exclusion method is to segregate relevant journals from those that are irrelevant. In order to address the research questions highlighted in this study, the gathered journals were segregated using the inclusion and exclusion method depending on the degree of relevance of each study. As part of the research study inclusion, the gathered journals will be pre-screened based on the research method and the author(s)’ research findings (Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan, 2008). To ensure the quality and relevance of the gathered journals with the chosen research topic, the gathered journals were critically appraised by using the guidelines specified under the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). When critically appraising a peer-reviewed journal, it is important to take note whether or not the authors made a clear statement with regards to the aims of the research study. It is equally important to examine the research study ’s overall research design. For instance, was the researcher able to justify the research method used in the study or was the strategy used in recruiting the research survey participants appropriate to the aims of the study? (NHS, 2006). In this study, databases such as the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), NCBI / PubMed, and Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) will be used in search for electronically available peer-reviewed journals. According to Ely and Scott (2007), keyword searches are often used when gathering relevant literature. When making keyword and phrases search; Younger (2004) mentioned the importance of acknowledging the differences between the American and British English [cited in Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan, 2008]. With this in mind, the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Starbucks (Globalization) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Starbucks (Globalization) - Term Paper Example According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization in 2001, there are about 150,000 to 200,000 commercial sex workers in Thailand (U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, February 25, 2009). A subsequent study conducted by the Chulalongkorn University in 2004 reported that there are about 2.8 million sex workers in the country and a large majority of these people are women and minors (U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, February 25, 2009). The most recent study conducted by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in the United States revealed that as of 2008, there are about 200,000 to 300,000 sex workers in the country (U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, February 25, 2009). According to the same office, the figure could be higher as there are many people coming into the country undocumented and many of these people end up prostitution dens. Many people come to Thailand from neighboring countries like Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia and China to find wor k but end up in some back alley prostitution dens and are forced to cater to anybody who can afford their price (The Nation, 3 January 2004). The worst part of if is that many of these people who are forced into the sex trade are minors. ... In fact, the city of Nangkon, the Phuket and the Pattaya areas are known as â€Å"primary tourist prostitution†spots and many foreign nationals come to these places for hedonistic reasons (Fox, J. (30 November 2009). Several people come to this place not only to take a vacation but to enjoy the commercial sex trade offered by different establishments in these areas. II. Sex Tourism and the Globalization of Tourist Networks The booming international tourism industry in Thailand along with poor law enforcement is some of the primary reasons why the sex industry in the country is currently booming. According to Fox, J. (30 November 2009), the globalization of tourists networks help create a venue for pedophiles, sex offenders, prostitution rings and similar establishments to communicate with each other and do business. The rising prostitution statistics in Thailand is exacerbated by the fact that there are now many international establishments in the country and access to co mmunication is now very easy. At present, most sex tourists communicate with the local prostitution ring through the internet so it is very easy for these people to do business with minimal risk of being caught by the authorities. In most cases, tourists who come to Thailand for hedonistic reasons communicate with their hosts online so they know where to go and who to look for when they come to the country (Monk-Turner, and Turner, December 23, 2009). In fact, a number of sex tourists already have advance contracts with the local prostitution ring before they come to the country. Aside from well established prostitution rings that operation both online and offline, there are also a number of men and women who are
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Role 19th century Women Essay Example for Free
The Role 19th century Women Essay Women in General Society            Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austin, which depicts the women’s life in the early 19th century. Pride and prejudice was written by a young woman in her early twenties, in the context of her day in which women’s rights were mot valued particularly in term of their own property rights. The story revolves within the context of the three levels of status in society represented by the characters from upper classes, middle classes, and lower class status that are themselves symbols of different classes of society during the 19th century. Indeed, the typical life of the 19th century women is accurately depicted in Jane Austin’s Timeless novel, The Pride and Prejudice.             In Jane Austin’s novel, the first chapter describes the existing norms of the society regarding women’s rights. Austin portrayed that women, even in the upper classes are deprived of their property rights and the only legal remedy for them to inherent family estates is to be married. This evident in the following lines â€Å"However, little is known the feeling or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters†(Austin p. 2). These lines reflect the importance of a man to a family who had but all daughters.            The struggle of the 19th century women exactly correlate to the condition of women in Austin’s novel, as they battle their way towards gaining their rights. Afsar Bano pointed out that the 19th century women â€Å"could not tolerate such state of affairs any longer. They formed movements in Europe and America to emancipate women†(Bano p. 41). Women of the 19th century were deprived of the basic rights and privileges exactly to what Austin has demonstrated in her novel almost century earlier. Although Austin portrayed women in her novel to be socially actively involved, it appears that women’s social responsibility was limited, as most of the women mentioned in the story were not engaged in any social obligations, or in any economic activities outside of their homes, though they participated in some social functions. A Woman’s responsibility was to be a good wife to her husband, and mother to children as stated in the opening lines of the story as follows â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife†(Austin p. 2). Women’s inferiority and dependency with men and their lack of basic rights that included their family estates were evident in the story. In the 19th century however, being in this situation, women resented this condition and fought their way toward their common goals under the banner of feminism. Marriage                  Since they do not work and they do not have rights over their father’s possessions, evidently, marriage was the last remedy for women to avoid poverty. In Austin’s novel, adult women, view marriage as being the last opportunity to escape future poverty appeared to be consummated not for love, but for need. Austin sees the need of a single man to marry was not based in his feeling; the same was the sentiment express by Charlotte Lucas, one of the characters in the novel. She said, â€Å"I wish Jane success with all my heart; and if she were married to him tomorrow, I should think she has a good chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelve month, happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance†(Austin p. 30). In the summary and analysis featured in the internet entitled Pride and Prejudice-Study Guide, it stated the common idea of marriage during the novel was â€Å"utilitarian†in which it emphasize the need for young women to find man who have a good furtive (Pride and Prejudice Study Guide Summary of Ch. 1-6).               This View of Marriage correlates exactly in the early 19th century. Joan Perkin cited that when the upper-class family considered the marriage of their children â€Å"more was at stake than momentary infatuation†(p. 54). Their view was that emotions came and went: land remains. Marriage was not out of love but of necessity, and this view was widely regarded in the 19th century. Personal Lives: Fashion Education – Health In Austin’s novel, personal lives were expressed by the characters in their own styles and fashions. Austin has been quite generous in her descriptions of the personal life style of the individual in the story. They like going out to party and dancing. Education for women in Austin’s novel was of little regard as none of the younger women seemed to be so educated. What has been highly regarded was the social class and those in the upper classes manipulate fashions and lifestyle as depicted by the character of lady Catherine de Bourgh.            Although the fashion of women in the 19th century was more on garments and dresses, education and health were just as that in the novel. Women in the 19th century were deprived of education and their role was rather in the home. The difference between the 19th century women with the women in the novel was the rise of feminism during the 19th century. In other words, women of the 19th century resisted their situation and demanded equality with men, which was in direct contrast with the passive attitude of the women in the novel. Conclusion          Based on the arguments above, I would like to affirm that the life of women in the 19th century was accurately depicted in the novel of Jane Austin in terms of the categories given such as the general society, marriage, and personal lives. The views given in this paper regarding the women of the 19th century was the general situation of the time (Based on the two authors view), and can be therefore valid to be the basis of the affirmation above. That is, there must be some similarities in the general role of women in society during the two periods. Work Cited   Austin, Jane Pride and Prejudice England: Plain Label Books 1957 Bano, Afsar Status of Women in Islamic Society India: Kumar for Anmol Publication 2003. Perkins, Joan Women and Marriage in Nineteenth-century England, England: Routledge, 1989 Pride and Prejudices-Study Guide â€Å"Summary and Analysis of Volume I, Chapters 1-6†. http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/titles/pride/section3.html 1999-2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Essays on Homers Odyssey: Book 5 :: Homer Odyssey Essays
Odyssey Book 5 The beginning of the Odyssey portrays the chaos in Ithaca and the uncertainty and turmoil of Odysseus family as they have longingly awaited his return. Book 5 finally introduces Odysseus and his captor Calypso. The beginning of the novel illustrates how Odysseus is torn between the charm and will of Calypso and the love and loyalty to the family he has left behind. Calypso is described as beautiful; her island as a virtual Eden and her home a magnificent palace that awes even the gods themselves. Before Hermes delivers the order to release Odysseus he gazes in wonder of Calypso’s abode. Calypso offers Odysseus immortality, to live the life of a god for all eternity in paradise with her. Along with the offer Calypso questions Odysseus on how his family could ever compare to her and immortality. Odysseus refuses Calypso because he is loyal to his wife and son and feels that there is nothing greater than to see them again. Odysseus gives up Utopia and divinity for the loyalty to his home and family, Even though he has no idea whether anyone he knows is still alive or whether or not his wife and son have waited for him. Both Penelope and Odysseus demonstrate such trust in each other that they wait ten years for each other not knowing what has happened to the other. The beginning of the book continues to reinforce the idea that Calypso island is a Utopia through vivid illustrations of a place of beauty and perfection to thoroughly demonstrate that Odysseus will overcome any obstacle or give anything to reach home.  Book 5 ends foreshadowing what trouble may lie ahead for Odysseus as Poseidon intends to thwart every attempt that Odysseus makes at trying to get home.  The role of judgment and reason in books 5-8 of the Odyssey In Books 5-8 of the Odyssey there is a central theme involving importance of the reason and how it pertains to judgment and moral behavior and the essence of someone’s character. The theme is shown in every action of the characters, especially Odysseus.  The first books of the Odyssey begin by introducing the suitors as unruly and animalistic because of their lack of sound judgment. The suitors’ actions demonstrate the result of the absence of reason and rather the attention only to pleasure. The suitors actions lead to the despair of Odysseus family and Ithaca as well as the slow destruction of Odysseus home.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Supporting Babies
Emotional Soft teddy's Helps to comfort babies when they are sad Intellectual painting Helps children feel different textures and materials. It allows them to use their imagination to create pictures. Language Reading books Helps babies learn new words, sounds and socialism with people. Please remember a baby is Birth to 15 months old How a babies individual needs and interests can be supported through play. Babies play can be supported by giving the right equipment and activities for their age group. E. G. Hand/finger painting, building blocks, play mats, colorful picture books, rattles and nursery rhymes.Talk to the babies about their activities colors of pictures, shapes, textures and ask questions (even if they not understand) to show them that you're interested. Give babies eye contact to show them you are responding to them. Join in and talk to them. Encourage babies to say familiar words, listen to different sounds, explore different things and support their needs. Some babies may need more support than others due to a disability. Praise is very important because it helps their self-esteem and confidence.Play mats and mobiles which are great for children to reach out to and play with the toys there. Encourage babies to explore with different toys by putting interesting things beside them e. G. Soft materials, toys with lights and sounds, crinkle paper so they can feel different textures. Sing nursery rhythms to babies so they can copy the actions and facial expressions. Provide activities such as hand/sponge painting, playing with balls, building blocks and baby walkers. It stimulates creativity and imagination.These activities are good for developing their fine/gross motor skills and learning other new skills e. G. colors, textures, counting and helping babies to learn to walk. With any activity your baby does join in with them, talk to them, make it interesting and fun and always praise them. Babies learn by exploring with their hands, feet and mouth. They bang, throw, drop, shake and put items in their mouths. Babies are very alert, they follow adults with their eyes and head. Talk to babies about family members and names of family so they can recognize words and who family members are.Provide colorful books with lots of pictures and touchy-feely books this gives babies tactile experiences which leads to brain development. Point and talk about the pictures in the books. Ask them questions about the book e. G. What color is the sky. Get them involved let them turn pages of the book. Make Sure you give the baby lots of praise and encouragement. La engage Babies enjoy finding their nose, eyes or tummy as part as a naming game. You can place mirrors to see their own reflection and talk with them about what they see. Babies express their feelings and needs by crying, gurgling and babbling.When babies try to say words repeat it back to the baby and encourage them to say more. Singing nursery rhymes with babies is a great help for them to recognize words, learn new words and actions. This helps them to develop their language skills. Use sounds in play e. G. Brim for a car. Also use actions to support your words e. G. Waving your hand when you say bye bye. Give the baby praise by clapping and using facial expressions. Give he baby your full attention as this gives them confidence to talk more and communicate with others and they feel happy and proud they have learnt something new.Babies are just starting to learn to recognize and manage their feelings. Babies experience a wide range of emotions such as affection, frustration, fear and sadness. Babies have tantrums when they are tired we can help to control their emotional expressions by giving the baby a teddy bear or another comfort object when upset so the baby can calm down. Listening and comforting babies to their needs helps the babies feel secure. The baby miles and giggles when they want more of something or turn their heads shut their eyes when they want l ess of something.Social Babies are aware of others. They build good relationships with people that are close to them. By giving your baby lots of love and attending to their needs you establish a bond with your baby, which allows them to grow in a comfortable, confident and socially healthy atmosphere. Encourage babies to interact with others put out activities that other babies can get involved in e. G. Ball pool, sand and water and painting this helps babies build their confidence and self-esteem to play with others..
Saturday, November 9, 2019
History of film in Latin America Essay
Film is a medium of entertainment where sequence of images is projected on a screen creating an illusion of movement (Parkinson, 24). Film industry started in 19th century as a tool of entertainment, communication and mass media. The motion pictures technology had a great impact on politics and society at large (Ibid, 45). Latin America is the region in Central and South America. The region has 21 countries with the main languages being Spanish, French and Portuguese. Main races that occupy the regions are Amevidians, who are majority in Bolivia and Peru African, Asians, Caucasians, Mestizos, Mulletoes and Zambos. Most of Latin Americans are Christian and mostly catholic Christian . Latin America has a diverse culture, but generally, the Latin America culture is influenced by Africa culture especially in Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Haiti, Cuba and Costa Rica. Europe culture which were mainly brought by Spanish, Portuguese and French. And the native culture of people who inhabited the continent prior to arrival of Europeans (Parkinson, 61). Latin America has rich and diverse film industry. The industry started in mid 20th century as entertainment tool. Mexicans, Brazilian, Cubans and Argentineans have rich history in filming. They have also made significant step in development of film industry. In Argentina, cinema become prominent in first half of 20th C, however, it suffered during the 1976- 83 military dictatorship (Parkinson, 36). But the industry re-emerged and even produced the academy award winner, the official story in 1985. In Brazil, cinemas and movies become important tools in the society, in mid 20th century. Cuban cinema also developed tremendously especially after it enjoyed government support since the Cuban revolution. They have produced important film-makers like Tomas Gutierrez Alea. Mexican cinema in the golden era of 1940s greatly boasted the film industry. Mexican films have received recognition world over (Ibid, 54). Beside film being used as an entertainment tool, it has also been used as mass media tool to shape the political order in many Latin America countries. Political struggle to have government respect the citizen rights were mainly carried through the film medium. Latin America experienced many coups and revolution in first half of 20th century as people struggle for freedom and right which they were denied by the repressive regimes (Missing). Cinema and print media was used to call people to demand for their human rights and speak against cruelty by the repressive governments. Repression is control by holding the subject down. It amounts to forced subjugation (The Official Story). Human rights and freedom are basic rights to which all human beings are entitled to. They include civil, political, cultural, and economic rights. Examples of human rights and freedom includes right to life, right to liberty, freedom of expression, freedom from discrimination on any basis, freedom of assembly and association, freedom of worship and right of owning property etc. Many of political regimes in Latin America countries in early 20th century denied their citizen their basic rights. This precipitated revolution and social-political struggles most of which were met with crude repression (Men with Guns). Artist and film-maker, used cinemas, movies to express the people’s call for their civil rights. Literature artist also used their skills and knowledge to express the people’s call for their rights. One of the best film work set is Latin America that depict the political situation that was in 20th century is ‘Missing’. The movie was first released in 1987 in US and was directed by Costa-Gavras. It is a powerful political drama that revolve around the life before and after a 1973 coup is a south American – country (even though the movies does not reveal it refers to the Chile) which was very volatile the movie capture the who whole situation as it was, strict curfews, armed police terrosing people, many people close to 30,000 being killed, mass kidnapping, torture and ‘disappearance’ of people who were considered leaning to former regime (Missing). The movie is based on a true story of an America-activist and writer Charles Horman who disappeared in Chile at the height of America-backed violent military coup in 1978 (). This story was also in a book by Thomas Hauser. The film focuses on struggle of Horman wife Beth (Sissy Spacek) and conservative father End Horman (Jack Lemman) as they search for Charles. The film vividly show how the oppressive ruling junta oppressed people in the streets, both Sissy speak and her farther-in-law were stonewalled not only as the ruling military but also the America consulate (Missing). They only leant later that the American government had been betraying their effort to find Charles and that America government was friendly to the South America tyrant. Violation of human rights and repression is clearly present where the military dictator impose curfew and torture to all those who speak against the civil strife which was perpetuated by the ruling junta (Ibid,) The US government which also played key role in the coup also is keen to muffle all voices that were against the forced takeover. This is seen as the American embassy betrayed Ed (jack) and Beth (Sissy)’s effort to find and reconcile with Charles. Media and press freedom was suppressed as the writers and journalists were not allowed to cover the killings, torture, raping and kidnapping. Freedom of movement was denied as 24 hours curfew are enforced, there was gross violation of human right as people were butchered, kidnapped, jailed and women raped (). Violence existed as there was military and tyranny regime which disposed the civil government led by twice-elected Salvador Allende. President Salvador Allende led a leftist regime which the US government was keen to topple so on to reduce the spread of communism in the western world. The effort of CIA to block president Allende to vie for the second term by spreading propagandas and supporting dissidents to oppose Allende’s government also was a major driver that plugged Chile to civil strife. Violence is perpetrated by corrupt political regimes which are just out to fulfill their selfish interests (). Military machine is used to enforce cruel order and untold suffering to the citizen and mostly for those who are perceived as opposing the ruling power (). In this movie we have seen that, in civil strife, many citizens usually dies, other maimed and the survivors have to live with fear, and in a suppressed political environment (). Many who survive these ordeals use films and other mass media tools to express what they are going through and call for need to address their plight. Victims are the citizens while victimizers are politicians who fight to retain or get into power (). The film was an eye opener to what victims of coup have to undergo as selfish power hungry dictators fight to access or cling on power. It also pointed how influence from interested foreign government can bring hell on the life especially in politically volatile countries. The ‘Missing’ film describe how a south-America country goes through change of political regime from civil to military regime led by ruthless junta which caused gross human right violation (). The film explains well what civilians underwent in the 1973 coup the curfews, torture, kidnappings and ‘disappearance’ of those who voice out the suffering of the civilians (). The visual effects of events during and after the coup as shown in the movie has a strong emotional impact to the viewer that best explain and communicates human right violations and repression enforced by military. ‘Men with guns’ is an American political drama film written and directed by John Sayles. Set is unrevealed South American country it’s a story about a man who discovers political events that were going on in his country (Men with guns). It was first released in Canada in 1997 and was filmed in Mexico. The plot of the movie start as Dr. Fuentes (Federico Huppi) an old medical profession who had been teaching young people to provide health care to poverty-stricken citizen in a country where small-scale agricultural communities struggle to make end meet (Ibid). He is described as being ignorant of political event in his country. After Dr. Fuentes heard rumors that his former students are lost and possibly dead he decides to go and investigate the issue. Later Dr Fuentes discover that his student have been killed by ‘men with gun’ indicating that there has been people executing people who oppose them and damp them in the jungle (Men with guns). This was done to repress the guerillas who where opposing the junta rule, as Dr Fuentes moved deeper into the hill, he teams up with Padre porillo ( a defrocked priest who lost his faith), Domingo (a deserter from the army), conejo (a boy who survive by stealing) and Graciela (a woman who turned mute after she was raped). Dr Fuentes discovered that army officer were killing, torturing and raping those who were opposed to the military regime, especially young activist. Dr Fuentes’s journey describes clearly the weight of price to pay to bridge between not knowing and knowing, silence and acknowledgement assumption and truth (Men with guns). Just like ‘Missing’, this film exposes repression and human right violation meted out to civilians by military regimes. The victims are still citizens who struggle for their life and standing for their rights, freedoms and beliefs. The film depicts political process during 1960 – 80 where most Latin America countries experience revolution and military coups. Unlike the other, this film describes and emphasis the needs to find out what others in a country are going through. ‘Men with guns’ teaches us that although we are alone in our personal struggle to find information, freedom and right we are never alone in our common humanity struggle to freedom and rights. This is so on the doctor, the priest, the soldier, and the mute woman found themselves in same mission to get the truth and acknowledge it (Ibid). ‘The official story’ is another political thriller that revolves around story of a single family. Directed by Roger Ebert, it was first released in 1985 (The Official story). In the movie, Alicia is married to Robert, wealthy, powerful man with government connection. They have adopted a girl. Alicia is ignorant of political situation in Argentina until Anna an old high school friend enters in her life (Ibid). Anna narrated to Alicia how her lover a leftist ‘disappeared’ and she was kidnapped and tortured. She later discovers what was going on when she came across demonstration by family member of a missing person (). She began to realize that her husband was part of repressive government and their adopted child may be stolen from a mother who was a political prisoner (The Official story). Alicia meets an old woman who may be the grandmother of the adopted daughter and they become close (Ibid). They found strength in each other. Like the ‘Men with guns’ the movie demonstrates that there could be crimes being inflicted on other while certain class or group of people are innocently unaware. In this film, army officer are killing leftists and those who are opposed to the government. There is a gross violation of human rights and repression by government. The victims are the citizens who stand for their right. The movie clearly demonstrates how repressive regimes commit civil crime and mass murder without awareness, acknowledgement from the internal community. It vividly captures the political process that many Latin America counties went through in late 20h century (The Official story). ‘Of Love and Shadows’ is a political drama novel written by Isabel Allende. Isabel is a Chilean writer who is president Salvador Allende’s niece (Isabel, 42). The book is a story of love and shadows of political commitment. The story centers on a daughter of a wealthy family and son of a Spanish exile with whom she becomes involved (Ibid, 32). Both of them, as a reporter and photographer, uncovered a hideout crime that puts not only their love but also their life at risk. The book is set in a country under military dictatorship where arrest, disappearance and executions are rampant. Irene a reporter and Francisco a photographer are prepared to risk everything for the sake of truth and justice. They discovered crimes by the ruling military to those who opposed or undermine the military regime. At the end Irene, a daughter of a wealthy family which was backing the military regime and Francisco, son of a Marxist professor who was opposed to junta rule, are caught up in terror and violence (Ibid, 46). Like the three films, this book is about repressive regimes that was common in many South American countries in the late 20th century . The victim are citizens who stand against the repression and human right violation. This book demonstrates what majority of Latin American went through during revolution and political regimes coups. The novel helped to create awareness of crimes that military regime and political tyrant inflicted on citizens and hence call for intervention. The book vividly describes physical, mental and psychological effects of crime and human right violation to individual and society as whole. It shows that love can overcome hate as the two passionate lovers marshal on despite what they go through (Isabel, 76). ‘Child of dark’ is a diary written by Carolina Maria de Jesus in 1960. The diary contains what Carolina went through in her life in a slum of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Lavine, 24). The dairy contains what Carolina faced in her life as a fevelado (slum dweller) and political and social facts which were present during Carolina life. She writes how poverty and desperation caused people to compromise their dignity to get food (Ibid, 35). Carolina vividly describe the dreadful life around her life, but despite these she forget to have better life and gave her three children the best through writing (Lavine, 45). Her writing drew attention of politician who tried to involve agencies to give relief to the poor, however these projected faded. This diary shows how government avoided the social welfare obligations to the poor citizens as they focus on upper income class welfare (Ibid, 84). In conclusion, the three films and the literature works where very important in advocating for the writes of the citizen and exposing violation by some government. The films demonstrated the political history of Latin America countries and political process they underwent to achieve democracy and political freedom.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Learning Statements essay
buy custom Learning Statements essay Collaborate with senior management in formulating the corporate goals and objectives through strategic planning sessions in order to accommodate projected areas necessitating growth and improvement, such as space budgeting and barriers to service provision. Synthesize staff performance via data gathered by means such as direct observation, regular supervision sessions, considering employees feedback and client surveys, in order to complete annual performance evaluations and formally recognize the staff strengths, areas that need improvement, their accomplishments and setting future performance goals. Report information on the types of service delivered, formulate the clientele statistics and measure various changes within the Family Support on a quarterly basis so as to meet accreditation standards, satisfy funding sources and measure budget resource so as to plan for the remaining fiscal year. Create opportunity for staff to determine a working knowledge of SPEC policies and procedures through early orientation and regular supervision and in-service training, during regular weekly staff meetings, which acts as part of ongoing education and also ensures that the staff members are updated on all policies and procedures to meet optimal service delivery. Consult with staff members on best practices such as staff members displaying a positive way when engaging a client, while at the same time, keeping the overall best interests of the SPEC association in mind in order to ensure SPEC, as a whole, benefits from these identified best practices. Assess staffs requirements within Family Support Services by reviewing client hours per staff member to make decisions on whether staff caseload remains within agreed hours on a weekly and monthly basis. Respond to immediate and long term circumstances by exceed clients hours from threshold, introducing casual staff on their duties, establishing client wait lists for referrals whereby new clients are introducing only when caseloads has room for such and advocating for more fulltime staff to alleviate ongoing caseload overages. Discuss various issues with staff as soon as they arise, for instance, when opinion or bias is reflected in staff contact notes, to provide clarity and understanding and encourage staff to learn and respond effectively to a clients needs, ensuring their interactions are free from personal bias or opinions. Ensure that the staffs are doing well by embracing a constructive work ethics, and celebrating achievements with clients in order to maintain a healthy working environment. Every employee should value each staff members areas of strengths and delegate job orders accordingly. For example, if a staff enjoys working with youth and seems to build rapport easily with the youth, assigning the staff with youth clientele provides an opportunity for success. Teach the staffs through in-services on various identified topics such as custody and access orders, where deeper understanding is needed to give staff the opportunity to learn and expand their knowledge base Empower and support the staff by providing regular bi-weekly supervision, attending case conferences with staff, reviewing and revising staff documentation, and designing clear supervision guidelines and questions to provide feedback and suggestions, thereby, gathering inputs into daily practice and activities to evaluate strengths and opportunity for growth. Debrief the staffs enabling them to processing their feelings, doubts and questions on specific cases when confronted with a decision of the courts and appears to be in contradiction to what the staff believe is in the best interests of a child, to ensure that the staff feels supported in their work. Lead in the development of the local Gas City Foster Parent Association, to provide a mechanism for fostering parents to engage in discussion, advocacy and problem-solving with Children Services. Organize and chair meetings, identifying the objectives to be covered, purpose, timeframe and the participants. This ensures that the outcomes of the committee are accomplished. Compile the plans arising from discussions so that the committee can be effective in staying on task.. Collaboration with various agencies to identify shared goals, on which we can work together such as approaching the Alberta Foster Parent Association and propose establishment of a local association in order to nurture a liaison between the childrens services and families in the area. Inspire the delivery of service that is more adjusted to the experience of foster families throughout the province by introducing the Foster Family Feedback tool to the Provincial Foster Parent Association. Seek to understand the perception of each staff in order to stimulate and motivate them to work, not only more efficiently, but also effectively, for example staffs will respond well to a supervisor who recognizes their needs and meets then on their first encounter and then deals with those concerns needing discussions. Encourage a healthy open communication between staff s and their supervisors. Also, create an environment where staff can come together and mediate forum for an opportunity to solve conflict and to empower staff to be solution focused when an opportunity for growth and clarity, understanding or concern arises. Recognise that conflict resolution offers an opportunity to growth, thus, strengthening the bond between parties, and provides an opportunity to debate issues in a safe, respectful manner. Take each staff as a whole person having needs outside their work place and thus, give them an opportunity to meet those needs (e.g. unit goes away on training, staff misses their child at home, giving them a day off when they return from training to spend time with their child) so as to encourage a happy devoted productive staff. In partnership with the CEO, Area Manager and Foster Support Supervisor, discuss collaboration between Case Workers and Foster Parents by organizing a team building event with case workers and foster parents. Follow up the implementation of the ideas brought forward to ensure continued partnership. Develop a positive relationship and connections with Children Services and Family Support Staff through regular meetings in order to collaborate and have a shared clientele and also ensure team building and understanding of one anothers role on the teams goal performance. As a supervisor, activate and empower the Family Support team since your responsibility is to empower the staff you lead by giving support, guidance, leadership and positively organize their team. Co-chair the established of a committee to develop a conference. Foster an environment that values every members ideas and suggestions; certifying that all feel a part of the planning and goals. Each member should sense his value and self-esteem in decision making and encourage involvement in the direction of the committee; giving opportunity to branch off into sub-committees to create a successful participative environment. Meet with other community stakeholders and plan a conference by developing a budget. Line up the speakers, the venue and location and recruited volunteers needed to give other professionals in the Human Service a full professional development opportunity. Deliver services by working as a collaborative team member where you work together and shared goals such as delivery of medication, assessment of risks and response to crisis. That is, in a response to crisis situation, a member would lead the interventions and be ready to step in if the other becomes a part of the clients delusion or the client perceives the other as a threat. To effectively deliver our services to the clientele, each team member has to be in tune with the others behaviour and communication. Apply an altruistic approach by treating all workmates as human beings and view the organisation as one whole unselfishly considering each others feelings and opinions, which leads to a more productive work environment, because the staff feel considered and valued. For example, if a staff calls in tired one morning, due to a restless sleep, allow them to rest and come in later much better and more productive. Always employ the generalist practice approach when working with staff and the people you serve to inform practice that is dedicated on improving the social and physical environment since the human behaviour is directly connected to the social and physical environment a person resides in and is affected by. Provide an opportunity for improvement in a person served and staffs behaviour arising from their social and physical environment. Evaluate the merit, worth, and significance using criteria found against the best practice standards of what skills and resources that best fit a situation, and apply them. Provide services and support for the client and staff. This creates the ability to be a change agent by supporting the person served through planned change, which is effective, planned intervention, decisive choice that gets the client from where they are to where they need to be, based on proven methods of success. Understand the framework that applies to an individual interaction, like risk assessment, whenworking with a suicidal client compared to working with a client in need of advocacy and referral to community resources. Apply the Meta theory of development to practice which focus on the attachment at their developmental stages, and how the damaged attachment affects other avenues of life, relationship and the capacity to become viable citizens of society. With this knowledge engaging a client is easier, when the client is engaged the chances of success increase. Implementing learned skills to interactions with children and adults gives vital skills to enhance a rapport and engage in a helping relationship with individuals. Invite feedback on challenges and successes to service delivery within Family Support from front line workers in order to relay staff input to the management team. This is done during strategic operational planning to ensure the changing needs and the clients demographics we serve are reflected in organizational direction. Implement feedback and recommendation raised from the policy evaluation on how supervisors facilitate their work environment to improve service delivery to clients, e.g. issues regarding staffs dressing code. Provide some information on how court decisions and legislative changes affect practice and influence policy and procedures within the system of Family law and Child and Youth Family Enhancement Act as well as Children Services guiding policy and procedures The Children Services guiding policy and procedures assist others in understanding how to improve their own responses to systemic challenges they are faced with. By first educating oneself on course material, identify target audience like instructing a parenting course (one course for parents of children under six years of age and another for parents of children over six years of age). Prepare power point presentation, handouts and worksheets. Organize location dates and time of course. Advertise course offered to public through other community agencies. Prepare lesson plans for every session, accept registrants. Finally, deliver the skills and knowledge of parenting to those expectant or parents of young children. This is in a bid to prevent child abuse by inspiring positive parenting techniques. Support and give guidance to colleagues to advocate and intervene against work place bullying. Pursue grievance procedures, become a union steward, educate yourself on policy and procedures and write to Health Board of directors and to human resources regarding abuse. Encouraged all colleagues to report any abuse and observe ongoing subtle harassment and abuse in the workplace. This should be prevented by enacting changes on the system. Utilize evidence based practice means by applying proven methods of success such as Outcomes Based Service Delivery Model, arising from the National Child Welfare Outcomes Based Indicator Matrix. This creates more engagement and collaboration between Government and Agency staff working to achieve positive outcomes for risky children, youth and families. Apply different theories and concepts based on your own professional experience and application by drawing on parts of the approaches that are relevant and proven to work when relating with your client. This is more effective when working with unique and intricate populations. (E.g. best practices are based on a group of knowledge such as Enhancement policy, legislation, Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (CYFEA), Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), general laws that relate and effect family, Social Work Code of ethics with the added evidence based practice that is developed through the monitoring of outcomes). Identify the influences that shape your perspective and create understanding and objectivity when hearing and supporting a client from their own perspective. One should reflect by analysing why he/she believes one way is better than the other. Is it because thats the way I do it or is it because it is a proven healthy choice? By understanding those influences on the clients perspective I can choose which theory benefits and how the outcome of applying a theory will affect the person served (e.g. narrative theory verses reality therapy). Ask and understand when a client identifies their perspectives as you know how to approach them and advance their trust and relationship. Determine the areas and strengths that need improvement for the client and their family (e.g. Assessing Resiliency Questionnaire and Family assessment tool). Based on these findings, determine the best approach to employ among the following models: general practice, eclectic model, psychoanalytical theory talk therapy, and social cognitive learning theory among others. Conceptualize the theories as best practice and others as inferior to others. Assess the service needed, e.g. Assessing Resiliency Questionnaire and Family assessment tool. These would determine the strengths and areas needing improvement for the client and their family. Based on these findings determines the best approach to employ (e.g. general practice model, eclectic model, psychoanalytical theory talk therapy, social cognitive learning theory). In conclusion, what appears to work best and which ones seem to fall short is based on best practices as they are proven methods. Discovering and conveying theories when applied that are forward moving that do not result in futility. You should recognize that clear communication amongst the care teams directly influences the level of services provided to clients. Develop some in-service training focused on perceptions in order to encourage staff to be mindful of their own perspectives and respect the perspectives of others as they interact. Develop an instrument for Foster Families to offer feedback on case workers they have worked with to complement the feedback already gathered routinely from Case workers regarding Foster Families in order to gather an overall picture of service delivery. Assess the comments gathered from feedback tools (completed by foster families and case workers) to identify areas of strength and weaknesses where improvements in service delivery need to be implemented such as increasing compliance with conventional policy by caseworkers, regarding the distribution and placement of the packages. Educate the staff on self- understanding giving them an insight on why one person is prompted by one event and not the other giving them the capacity to be developed and motivated. Self-awareness means knowing oneself at a deep level. This includes everything in us that is unconscious, undeveloped, repressed, and denied. Without this deep awareness of who we are, these ignored feelings can surface in actions later and cause conflicts. It enhances service delivery and the work environment by giving clarity to the differences each person comes with. This improves motivation, cultivation of skill and development of opportunities for staff. Implement affective strategies for continued self-awareness including giving opportunity for growth and awareness to staff and to self as frequently as possible to ensure clarity of perspective for better understanding and knowledge of others perspectives. Educate others by informal verbal conversations, in-service forums, e-mail documentation or video clips, together with statistics and evidence base findings on understanding attachment and the effects of damaged attachments to ensure people who seem to be a lost cause, get that chance to be recovered, to be helped as they do not understand their brokenness. Give them the key to heal their brokenness as this is a key to their success. Develop human services first from the religious belief to help others. Then gradually out of a need for societal support, when children were subjected to child labour, other families struggled to meet the needs of their families, and homelessness became more apparent. As industrialization and urbanization developed, the need for support for disadvantaged families through the changes was increased. Established human services educational options using charity workers and theoretical frameworks. Participate in activities that restore the value of a just society by backing the legislative process as a part of approach, reduced the gap in the human service field. Advocate for the rights of populations that may be marginalized by making sure those who qualify for government services have an access to them in a way that is fair to them and taxpayers. This also ensured that the services were delivered to those who need them most. To better understand the changing needs of our persons served and to recognize those changes so we can change our services to suite the changing needs of the population we serve, gather statistical data on age, gender, family dynamics, culture, immigration and reasons for closure monthly, quarterly and annually. Understand the different supports that interlink human service fields. One agency can support the person with housing problem, another with mental health and another with finance, yet another with parenting and advocacy, as well as one to assist with issues of addiction. It is imperative and crucial to have all these different agencies that meet particular needs, having them collaborate and interlink is crucial. Recognize the need for homeless shelters, as it is well documented, and community stakeholders have come together to establish an action plan. Human services also play an important role that has evolved over time to help people of all races, ages, and gender to meet the basic needs to live a sustainable life. Create a functional strategy in relation to the policies applied within the SPEC Association. With regards to the management of people within, it guarantees achieving the departmental goals. This involves the review of staffs job performance to ensuring they are adhering to the Associations policy and procedures over service delivery, ethical conduct and professionalism. Evaluate and revise the employees orientation binder on Family Support section annually to keep it current with the needs of the clients you serve. Introduce a process to engage a translator to enhance communication. Develop an in-service on self awareness and actualization to educate staff on how understand better their response to change of circumstances. Self awareness gives the staff the capacity to develop a disciplined use of self; this capacity surpasses self in the service of others with the ability to put aside ones own traditions, culture, practices, values and bias. And support the person they serve in a way that would make them feel supported, and not what would make the staff feel supported. This intentional self-awareness practice is important in the ability to work professionally. Advocate for competence that is based learning. This is achieved by seeking my staff and to attend relevant professional development training programs that are meant to gain further knowledge and skills to meet the population served. Contribute to continuous professionalism within the Human service sector by seeking and expecting accountability, this is because we are an accredited body accountable to that professional body. We are required to adhere to standard of excellence in practice and service delivery criteria. Seek continued knowledge on new and better ways to advocate and continue to deliver services at a high standard of professionalism that is current with the needs of the populations we serve. Ensure the utilization of Freedom of Information and Protection (FOIP) of Privacy Act by utilizing the consent for service and release of information, as agreed and signed before staffs are hired or a person served receives services. The reason for this is to protect the rights of person served and staff. Display your personality as well as ethical standards and conducts professionally. Apply your knowledge of the Social Work Code of Ethics to your behaviours and attitudes that are based on the set of values that exceed the professional standards expected. Your should have integrity by exhibiting these consistencies in character and truths, Initiate development of official documentation templates such as supervisory supports questionnaires for staffs, affirmation of confidentiality document that outlines ethics within the workplace. These reflect the SPEC associations workplace code of conduct and social work code of ethics so that adherence to professional practice standards occurred more efficiently and effectively. Demonstrate and promote positive values and ethics by exhibiting empathy and concern for others perception on a situation or a certain circumstance. By self knowledge and recognizing others feelings and views with comprehension, discernment and care, the goal is achieved. With a receptive mindset to new ideas and arguments, often unprejudiced, it allows for positive interaction and working relationships to develop and flourish. Demonstrate ethical conduct in all interactions. Understand helping relationships by upholding professional ethics to effectively deliver a supportive helping relationship to persons served. Through the knowledge of ethical standards of practice, seek and devour all understanding on ethical standards of practice, policies and procedures. This helps a person with the capacity to critically evaluate the determined areas that may need change so as to relate in a professional objective approach. Seek continually to understand the psyche of each staff by developing in-services on self awareness and self actualization to better understand ones response to changes, thus, motivating and stimulating staff to work more effectively. Always endeavour to communicate with a high level of self-awareness. Understanding your personal communication styles and seeking to understand when in conversation with others optimizes good and lasting rapport with colleagues, staff and clientele. Seek skill development by understanding yourself, your supervisory skills and thus, seek skills development. Also, identify situations where one will be most effective. This assists with intuitive decision making, and aids in stress reduction and motivation of others. Always self-reflect. Reflection on actions done and review affects those actions that engage in a process of continued learning of a person. Self-awareness helps in becoming more understanding and professional. Be opportunistic by planning ahead of a service such as having role playing discussion with a youth, before actual meeting with that youth. Discuss and prepare for better practices and approaches. Preserve peaceful correlation between what the policy dictates and how the service is delivered by regular evaluation of policy, procedures and guidelines. For better service delivery, utilize a forward moving method of implementing surveys and third party consultation about optimum service delivery structure and financial disbursement. This is done in order to guarantee flow and a forward moving autonomy. Communicate SPEC policies by representing staff expectations and predicted outcomes regarding service delivery to the board since this would facilitate teaching opportunities with staff, and advising staff of changes so that staff can be collaboratively be involved. Interpret policies and procedures to staff and clientele in order to equip them with the knowledge and understanding of how policy and procedures directly affect them. This ensures that the common goals and their achievement can be jointly established. Apply framework that have shown benefits to staffs and customers as a tool to best integrate learning with practices. Interpret policy by reading and delivering interpretation of policy to staffs and the clients. This is done because some policies are difficult to understand. Interpretation should be done consistently. Create a learning plan with specific strategies to be achieved. This is done with an annual follow ups between staff and supervisor during the staffs annual evaluation. This enables creation of accountability between staff and supervisor. Advocate for financial backing that is needed for staff in identified training needs. This is achieved by presenting skill development opportunities with fee break-down to financial administrator. Enhance job satisfaction and development of staff as a major source of obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage. Strategically build up professional development opportunities during the management meetings. Always seek in house talents, free in-service opportunities that have staff present information gained from a workshop or conference they attended, and bring in training, such as Mental Health First Aid, to gain more opportunities for professional development. Coordinate a writing campaign by drafting a letter to the appropriate ministry regarding the concerns in question. This brings clarity to those concerned and draws attention to issue demanding changes. Frequently advocate and inform the interested stakeholders on happenings that affect them and advocate for collective actions, for instance, request attendance at a city council meeting or send an e-mail to our Member of Parliament or legislative assembly member. As a collective organisation, the objective is strengthened, the knowledge and efforts are combined to reach a common goal. Always report legislation going before parliament and/or the senate to others to ensure a proper advocacy is done for or against revisions of the policy to alter the voting pattern. This is done in order to ensure public interest is considered in law changes or revisions. Facilitate spreading knowledge and understanding on the laws and how particular changes in the laws affect every person. By using multi-media, direct mail, websites or in-person conversations, inform and educate others. It is always good to engage them in the importance of being politically informed. Gather interest from all stakeholders, like the Foster families, to see if a local association is necessary, through a phone and mail campaign. The reason behind this is to be utilized as a vehicle to share concerns and collaborate on solutions. Advocate for the people served. For example, if there is a need for affordable housing, support the person served by gathering relevant documents and accompanying them for appointment with the affordable housing agency. This ensures peoples served needs are securely met. Represent a collective group of people at a meeting to describe the items requiring resolution or change, e.g. meeting with Children Services CEO, Office Manager and support supervisor to discuss items brought forward when a survey was distributed and completed by foster parents. Ensure that you come to resolution or an agreed upon change. Buy custom Learning Statements essay
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